Three Farms Island

Three Farms Island

Carobs flour fresh pasta

Carobs Fresh Pasta

How to use carobs flour to make fresh pasta Today a lot of people are focused on fresh pasta. Looks like a beautiful revival, more people want to know more about this popular food. So famous at all but not…

Ricotta Cheese Gnocchi

Hundreds of kinds of gnocchi can be found in Italian history. The potato gnocchi may have become the most popular, but before the potato was imported from America, each region had its own special recipe. In Sicily, you can find a delicious ricotta one:…

Pumpkin Cacao Cake

INGRIDIENTS: 400gr pumpkin100gr flour100gr butter50gr cacao200gr sugar4 eggsbaking powder Very simple. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and then poor in a baking pan big enough. Bake it in the oven 180° for around 35min. Maybe before to bake…

The hottest time

Thursday our province was the hottest in Europe, This is not news.  Yesterday our province was the hottest in Europe ever. Yes, this is news! This makes us so sad, because we have to admit maybe something is going out of control. Thank God our Farms are safe for now but we…