Carobs Fresh Pasta

Carobs flour fresh pasta

How to use carobs flour to make fresh pasta

Today a lot of people are focused on fresh pasta. Looks like a beautiful revival, more people want to know more about this popular food. So famous at all but not so known in its own artisanal process. All of this would become a begin to know more about the different kinds of flours and the way to combine them. Making a Carobs flour fresh pasta can be a way to move the first steps in this beautiful world 🙂

Just to know more about it, we have to get our mind a little bit in the past. The quantity of regular all-purpose flour now we easily have, was not always available years ago. So this makes the old recipes often more “original” especially in the way how to combine flours coming from different grain varieties or, like here, from different products. A practical way to use what was available at that time, in that specific area.

This recipe for example came from an area where Carobs are abundant, Sicily southeast, where people had often some carobs at home.

Let’s make this homemade pasta, we will do classical Cavatelli using ricotta cheese and herbs for condiment, an easy way to appreciate this new pasta flavor.


INGREDIENTS for 6 people:

  • 450gr semolina flour
  • 150gr carobs flour (from carob pulp)
  • water
  • a spring of fresh herbs: Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Mayoran
  • 300gr Ricotta cheese
  • Black Pepper

Start by making the dough. 

Knead the flour combination in a bowl. 

The dough must be soft but dry, the color will be not conventional of course.

making rolls of 1 cm diameter and cut into little pieces of 2 cm each (If you want to get fancy, you can use a Riga Gnocchi, which is just a little wood board with indented strips on the surface. The indents will help you capture the ricotta cheese.

Make Cavatelli is very simple, take your 2cm piece and with two fingers press on top, rolling back at the same time. After helping to roll with fingers make a gentle movement with the palm of your hand. If a youtube video is not enough for you and you want to be helped online and have fun with us just subscribe to our newsletter or ask for one of our online cooking classes. We are also on Airbnb with that 🙂

Prepare a pot with water, wait until it boils, and put your cavatelli in. Don’t forget the salt the water. 

In the meantime, in a bowl just melt ricotta cheese, black pepper, and the mix of herbs already finely cut.

When the cavatelli are floating on the top, use a skimmer to move them into the bowl with the ricotta and herbs.

Stir for just 2 minutes. 

Plate it, with a little bit of extra pepper. It’s now ready to serve! Enjoy!