East, flour, water, what next?

A short history of a bread composition

Bread and People, especially in this part of the world it’s difficult, it’s quite impossible, broke this relationship.

And it’s strange and exciting at the same time, thinking about day times where more and more people getting more involved in this. Thousand of courses, masterclasses, youtube channels, and Facebook pages have the same topic.

Going a little bit in the past we want just to speak about what this food represent and why sometimes also a regular everyday food need to be celebrated.

Behind the bread, Beyond the bread

Just 3 ingredients behind bread, maybe 4 adding salt, they make all the differences. We consider very positive this trend especially for this. The ingredients are less so we have to talk about them!

Know more about your flour, where came from, how the grain grows, which kind of, are all important questions if you really want to make a special bread. So happy around us is growing a community of people and farmers more and more professional on this, searching and maintain old grain varieties, in Sicily exist also a Seed Bank, located in Caltagirone, it takes care about these old varieties giving them to the Farmers.

Beyond the bread there is all of the extra it represent now and what the meaning of bread in the past and different cultures.

with this idea, we want to introduce this kind of bread famous in all south of Italy. Named “Cuddura” is a donut shape where from practical use became also a symbol during Religious Celebration.

An Agrifood traditional product in Italy, it have 9 different names coming from different places where they are made: from Cudduredde to Cuzzupa, from Sicily to Calabria but also in Puglia and Basilicata: every place its own specific Cuddura 🙂 Could be different than this?

Also different in the meaning the Cudduras is used to represent and celebrate: for example very famous the Cudduredda with eggs made during Ester time

A real practical Bread

Past farming life in Sicily: Moving from place to place, but on foot. Perhaps walking to work on a piece of land, far from your home. Carrying necessities wasn’t easy, however having a long stick that enables you to wrap a bundle of items, tied up in cloth to carry on the end of your stick, over your shoulder, was a good solution, like this shape of bread, to hang on the stick, was it not?

Often you will find the way forward, in the past, and with this old knowledge that we can use today, should be known and passed on to future generations to protect it and keep it alive.