Preserving the essence of Southern Italian rustic recipes for us means rediscovering and regenerating an agricultural perspective.

This perspective embraces and absorbs new global tastes, searches for authenticity, and moves towards healthier and more respectful forms of cooking.

In a world where the culinary landscape is constantly evolving, the preservation of traditions becomes increasingly vital. These traditions have not only enriched our palates for generations, they are also intimately linked to our bodies and our culture. But a culture that has changed and continues to change will also change these traditions only if they are 

respected and not frozen

Adopting a domestic-individual approach to agriculture, we aim to move away from the intensive ‘no-taste-for-more’ agricultural concept and reintroduce the timeless recipes from a place of the world perfect for an experiment like this, a place in the world where cultures blended over time, where at one transition one flavor was added and another found its new place in an open and inclusive mosaic. 

These recipes hold a special place in our hearts and can be considered an example of harmonious coexistence in a continuously changing cultural landscape. 

This makes Southern Italy a treasure trove of simple, yet incredibly flavorful dishes.
Born from necessity, these dishes have always been a testament to the harmony between limited fresh ingredients and sustainable agriculture. 

In today’s fast-paced world, the allure of convenience and abundance has led to a shift towards intensive farming and readily available ingredients. 

While this may seem like progress, it comes at the cost of losing the authentic flavors that make traditional Southern Italian recipes so exceptional.

We refuse to let these invaluable culinary traditions fade away. Our mission is to continue the quest for these rustic recipes, rooted in a sustainable approach to agriculture. 

We believe that with sustainable farming practices and sourcing local, seasonal ingredients, we can recapture the genuine essence of these dishes.

Our goal is to revive the original flavors and techniques, ensuring that future generations can savor the true essence of Southern Italian rustic cooking and all things related to it. 

Let’s honor the past while nurturing the future of good food, one dish at a time. 

Warmth, Flavor, Respect, Love