Pomodori a mezzo: when just half tomato became a classic.

Simplicity plus the culinary heritage of Rome, rich and diverse, are the roots of this recipe. Nothing more simple and just because of that perfect in line with our style. The Fusion of Roman-Jewish Cuisine stands out as a unique and flavorful fusion. A dish that represents this fusion is “Pomodoro a Mezzo”

What kind of Tomatoes?

Of course, we are speaking about a recipe made with tomato so became 2 times more important to know which kind of tomato is the better choice.

It’s a classic In Italy uses this kind of Tomatoes or similar: from Costoluto to Cuore di Bue, from Pomodoro di Belmonte to Spagnoletta a big tomato is more used than the little one.

“Pomodoro a Mezzo” translates to “Half Tomatoes” in English, referring to how the dish is prepared and presented. The recipe is believed to have been passed down through generations of Roman-Jewish families, each adding their own touches and tweaks to make it uniquely theirs.


To make Pomodoro a Mezzo, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • Garlic cloves
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Parsely
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).
  2. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and slice them in half horizontally.
  3. Gently scoop out the seeds from the center of each tomato half, creating a hollow cavity. Be careful not to pierce through the skin.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine the breadcrumbs, chopped garlic, and torn basil leaves. Drizzle a generous amount of olive oil into the mixture, seasoning it with salt and pepper to taste. Stir the ingredients until the mixture is moist and well combined.
  5. Carefully stuff each tomato half with the breadcrumb mixture, ensuring they are filled to the brim.
  6. Place the stuffed tomatoes in a baking dish and drizzle a little more olive oil over them and some parsley.
  7. Bake the tomatoes in the preheated oven for approximately 20-25 minutes or until the breadcrumbs turn golden brown and the tomatoes become tender.

Serving Suggestion

Once the Pomodoro a Mezzo is ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly. This dish is best served warm, and you can garnish it with additional fresh basil leaves for a burst of color and aroma. Pomodoro a Mezzo can be a delightful appetizer or a side dish to complement various main courses, making it a versatile addition to your dinner table. Very good with some salty jogurt under it.