How to make Pesto Lasagna from scratch

If you want to know more about history of this dish, here the link of the Lasagna History,

When basil is involved, Liguria Region came in mind, as usual for the Italian Regional kitchen culture, every region found in the way how to personalize a common dish their own speciality.

Today lets prepare the green one 🙂



      • • 1 lt of bechamel (Butter, Flour, Milk or Vegetable milk)

      • •200 gr of cheese (provola cheese or similar)

      • • Extra Virgin olive Oil 

      • • salt and pepper to taste

      • 200gr Basil pesto 

      • • 300 gr Flour (semolina durum wheat or similar)

      • 3 eggs

      • • Water


    Prepare the pesto: blend the basil with the pine nuts – or almonds – add 50gr grated cheese, Parmigiano or pecorino or half and half, a clove of garlic, salt and about 50 g extravirgin olive-oil. 

    Make the bĂ©chamel: 

    Process the 60gr butter, 1lt milk or vegetable milk, 4 table spoon flour, 2 tea spoon salt in a regular pot, low heat, mix all the time with the whisk.

    Prepare the dough using Flour and Water and the 3 eggs  kneed in a bowl and continue to work on a board or directly on the top of your kitchen. 

    Stretch it well until you have a thin dough and start cutting it into rectangles–you don’t need to be too precise, irregularity is also needed for the composition of the layers 🙂

    Compose the lasagna in baking dish: prepare the bottom with only bĂ©chamel, spread each lasagna with the bèchamel, cubed provola and pesto, finishing with pesto and grated cheese; proceed in this way until you run out of ingredients. 

    Bake them in the oven at 400′ for 20 minutes, when on top we have the crust. 
